Thursday, May 22, 2008


Listener Steve sent in this article from UK Poker Player Magazine. It's a review on us POKER DONKEYS! your favorite poker podcast. Not only that it's actually a pretty good review. We're listed under the Weirdest Podcasts but we wouldn't have it any other way. In nutshell here's what the review says.....
"poker donkeys! 60 minutes of complete insanity - you'll love it!
Imagine if you went to phone for a pizza, but instead got a crossed line with two women-hating rednecks who spoke non-stop for 60 minutes and only talked about poker for 10 of them. Welcome to poker doneys! Recorded over skype and boasting 'up to 17 listeners' it deals with big poker issues of the day, including which poker player you want to see in playboy, and transsexual whores. Presenters ken and slade play a sarcastic fanfare every time they mention Hellmuth, spend most of their time shouting 'can you hear me now?' and refer to Jennifer 'Jennicide' Lee as a 'bitch that needs to take her clothes off for attention'. Special."
Thanks again to listner Steve you're getting mad props on Episode 21!

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